Consumer Banking Fees See Big Shifts

Open Banking

Bankrate published a report on banking fees, specifically overdraft / NSF fees and ATM surcharges.  With NSF and OD fees being widely demonized, it is not surprising that the average fee charged has declined substantially to $29.80, according to the study’s results.  The article comments that they find that nearly all banks and credit unions are charging these fees despite trends to eliminate them altogether.   The study also looked at ATM fee and found the cost of using and ATM not supported by one’s own financial institution has increased to $4.66.  That’s a combination of the foreign ATM fee your financial institution may charge plus the fee levied by the ATM owner. 

This is very interesting information to have, but what would also be insightful is to know  the percentage of individuals who encounter these fees.  With several of the largest banks eliminating NSF/OD fees and only a small number of individuals using foreign ATMs, the number could be rather small.

Here are the key findings from the article:

Overview by Sarah Grotta, Director, Debit and Alternative Products Advisory Service at Mercator Advisory Group

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